How It Works

Our Process

A Proven and Trusted Destination for Buying and Selling Premium Collectible Assets. is a trusted online platform for enthusiasts to buy and sell collectible assets, including premium cars, watches, bikes, caravans, and boats.

Our platform features “Asking Price” listings and online auctions, ensuring a secure and transparent transaction process. Each listing is curated by experts, providing comprehensive information and meticulous attention to detail, allowing buyers and sellers to make informed decisions with minimal administrative hassle.

Every listing is evaluated under the Quality Standards Framework, transparently disclosing any risk factors to ensure accurate value assessment.

Supported by the reputation of Signature Plates Australia, which has successfully sold over 230 plates valued at $4 million, we bring together communities of number plate enthusiasts and other premium and investment-grade asset collectors under one trusted banner.

Experience exceptional service and outstanding results—all at competitive prices.

1. Submit

Sellers can submit their vehicle via the “Sell Your Collectible Asset” page on the website or listings can be submitted manually via Instagram, Facebook or email

2. Reserve

If your listing is suitable, we will either accept your proposed reserve price, or we will be in contact to discuss a suggested reserve price. Once agreed, your listing will then be accepted.

3. Details

We will then ask the seller to provide further details about the collectible asset, including service history and current condition, proof of ownership and detailed photos - please refer to our suggested photo guide here. If you would like us to arrange professional photos, we can do this part our photo listing package.

4. Create and Publish Listing

Once we create your listing, it will go live, and we will provide you with a live link for your reference. You will have an opportunity to ensure the listing is true, correct and accurate at the time of review.

5. Once the listing is live

We will be in contact if someone wants to enquire about your collectible asset and verified buyers and bidders are able to ask questions during the listing or auction process.

6. Sold

You will be digitally introduced to the buyer and receive 95% of the final highest bid, paid directly from the buyer at settlement – as agreed by the buyer and seller. A commission of 5% is payable to us by the buyer at the time of purchase to lock in the transaction.

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